Wow. I went the whole month of October without posting a note here. Well, I have to be honest, I've gotten back on the Warcrack, er I mean Warcraft. A new realm became available and as we have been on for a year now, I sort of wanted a fresh start. Kinda bored with the toons I had, they never seem to do much except farm. And I was tired of wading through the mass amounts of toons on their epics
IN their epics just standing around Orgrimmar waiting for...whatever. There are none of those on the new server. My toon started about 4 days into the creation, so I was a little behind. The first 60s hit at about a week I think. So it's been 3 weeks and my new buddy, Dane, a human mage, is level 37. I've taken a bit of a rest to farm for money for his mount at 40. BUT...I mean to address this on a new blog I am thinking of starting here regarding my time playing. Just about things to remember and such. Wish I had done it a year ago!
So yeah, I am back into that all day each day-and not doing anything else. I have such an addictive personality, I swear! But at least now anyone who may be waiting with baited breath
(HA!) for my next entry here knows where I have been!