I really, really am trying to work on my website. Part of me wants it to be done, but for some reason I just can't get motivated to get it done. I do a few things here and there each day, but usually end up spending too much time reading message boards or just logging back in to World of Warcraft.
From feedback I've received in the past, it makes my thinking towards the site sort of mixed as well. I get the messages that say 'thanks for that putting that info out there, I was looking for it'. I get 'you took a picture of my ancestors grave, now obviously you must know everything about them so TELL ME NOW!'. I get the 'hey this is on your website, we must be related! yay write me, write me, write me!'. Uhm, no. I get the 'you visited this one cemetery in a distant place, why don't you put pictures from this other one on your site?' Uhm, cos I never went to that one and I can't just run over there right now.
I know the ones that are good, even though they are fewer, should outweigh the bad ones, but the bad ones just make me want to quit altogether.
And then there are the people who steal the photos and put them on their own site. Like the ones of mine from Virginia that I recently found on someone else's vacation page on the VirtualTourist website. I don't dig stealing and far too many people have stolen my photos over the years without asking and without giving credit. It makes me want to take my ball and go home. Screw you guys!
And then there is the $100 or so a year for keeping the site online. I know it's no biggie really, but it IS $100.
I know I could just take my photos and upload them all on FindAGrave or Flikr(or whatever its called) or some other 'free' place, but then I don't have control over how the page looks, what info is there, what ads are on the pages, etc. I just don't like that. I want to be different, even if that means not being liked or noticed. Whatever.
So I guess I will keep the site. I will work on it. Someday maybe I will be close to being done with it. At least my photo taking has **really** slowed down in the past 2 years(thanks to Warcraft), so I am not *too* backlogged in stuff to work on. It just needs to be done.
Keep checking back I guess.
Elrod Falls
2 years ago