Tuesday, January 29, 2008

State of my life

Ok, so I didn't watch Bush last night. I already trust him and would agree with whatever he says, so I don't think it really mattered. We watched Batman, the original with Michael Keaton. The kid hadn't seen it and since we watched Batman Begins, with Christian Bale, a few days ago, I thought it made sense. I only have the VHS for that and the one with Val Kilmer though, and wouldn't mind having all 4 of the earlier movies. Wal-mart didn't have them though. Oh well. I do look forward to seeing Heath Ledger in the new one coming out this summer. God rest his soul.

Speaking of Heath, I just wanted to mention that it was just a few weeks ago that we were discussing Mel Gibson movies and hubby thought I had 'nearly all' of Mel's movies. I don't though, because I didn't even think about it until what happened to Heath, I don't have The Patriot. How could I not have that?? Will put it on my list for the next time we go to Best Buy.

Raining today and I need to go to the store. Great. And my back hurts, hurt yesterday too. Feel like crud.

Stayed up kinda late watching We Are Marshall. So sad. I'm headed to Wikipedia and IMDB later to see how much was real and what happened to everyone.

Speaking of Marshall, one of their own plays on Sunday. Super Sunday. Randy Moss. I don't really care about Moss, but the Patriots, I love 'em. Those Boston teams, yeah. But I also really like Eli Manning. So I am torn. I want the Pats to win because I like them and (almost) anything from Boston(hello Dane Cook!) and I want them to get that 19-0 record. However I would LOVE it for Eli to be able to win this game, just to SHUTUP all those nay-sayers. That would be sweeeeeeeet.

I love listening to Frank Wycheck every morning on the radio. He cracks me up. And cute to boot. Good combo.

So I went to Find A Grave and made 2 posts in the Lounge(the general message area). I haven't posted there in months. And just to prove my point of being 'invisible', no one responded to either of my posts. I don't think anyone even read them. I killed those threads. Maybe I should go respond to a whole bunch of threads and see how many more I can kill, or see how long it takes before someone says something like "omg you have 4000 posts, who are you?" or "hey where you been?"(yeah, don't think that will happen). Nah, why should I even bother with them?? Just trying to make a little humanly contact somewhere and on one hand I am reinforced with "you are invisible, you obviously suck and have nothing important to say" and on the other I feel like The Invisible Boy in the movie Mystery Men, people may be able to see me, but being invisible really is my superpower. I don't need to be around anyone, I'm just fine alone, but being noticed at least every once in awhile would be freakin nice, ya know.


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