Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Guess I'm a dummy!

At the library today. Checked out "Digital Photography for Dummies". Huge, thick book. I'm about halfway through it. Learning alot. I suppose I could just point and shoot all the time, but I'd like to be able to control how the shots look at times-when I have time to think about it. Still get so confused over all the f-stops and shutter speeds and ISOs and what the numbers mean. And I've been taking photos for over 20 years. Sigh. I guess I've been mostly lucky up to this point. I hope this book will help me take much better photos. Still adding a photo a day at my other blog. It's fun looking back through photos to find something that matches the theme. Have not had the chance to go out and take a photo that applies-only using old ones. And I have quite a few to choose from. Used one from 1989 yesterday! Fun times. :)

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