Tuesday, August 12, 2008

I know, I know

Too much World of Warcraft again. I can't help it. I feel like there are so many things that need to get done before the new expansion hits and I am playing like crazy, all day every day. So behind on everything else.

What I want to do today, since today the Warcraft realms are down and I cannot play(heh), is add some random photos from our trip to the Smokies.

First up is a photo of Chris Kratt of the Kratt Brothers, from the Zoboomafoo show on PBS. They performed at Dollywood, a very interesting show featuring many native and non-native animals, including the coati, seen below on Chris' shoulders.

Updated to add another Kratt Brothers photo-and a friendly big snake!


Unknown said...

eu amo d+++ os irmãos kratt,apesar de eu ter 14 anos,pq eu vejo zoboomafoo desde pqna,então eu ja me acostumei eu amo muito eles.

Skaut said...


Unknown said...

eu amoo esses caras hj eu tenho 15 anos mas, assisto eles desde pqna.