Saturday, April 16, 2005

What a week

Let's just say it's been busy. Well, ok, I'll say more than that. Until the pizza arrives, then I am out of here again.

I'll go backwards(kind of like CSI this week). Just home from the ER and the kid has Cervical Lymphadenitis. Swelling of her right neck lymph node. It's nasty looking, but she isn't in pain. I pray it goes away soon though. Poor baby. She had her first practice softball game last night and did alright. She is still learning, and so are the other 20 girls who were there.

Spent Thursday checking out some cemeteries down near Fosterville. Some nice ones. But I have had NO time to do anything with the photos or info. I am so so so behind in everything right now.

We planted a tree in our front yard. It is a Yoshino Cherry, just like the ones in DC that bloom in the spring. I can't wait to see it bloom. It is already about 8 ft high, and should get up to 30ft. Did a little more yardwork as well, but I really need to get the tomatoes into bigger containers. And maybe plant the sunflowers as well.

I can't really recall the rest of the week right now. Worried about her neck. And hungry-pizza should be here soon.

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