Thursday, September 28, 2006

PTA meeting

Going to the PTA meeting tonight. The kiddo is reading a paragraph on the American flag to the group. Yep, up in front of everybody. I am so nervous. But I have the videotape ready!!

We went to the Sam Davis home for a field trip today. That was cool-I only volunteered because I wanted to visit the home again-I hate being around kids that are not my own. I gotta hand it to my kid's school-they aren't afraid to let our kids know about the Confederacy and God and America. :) Thank God for small favors!

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


So who didn't see the Saints winning that game? Yeah, like that wasn't fixed. It was hard to watch much of it, because I am so sick of hearing about NO, but I would really like to know if they EVER frickin mentioned Mississippi last night. My bets are on "no". Jerks.

I hate when it rains on the weekends-we get NOTHING done. With the cooler weather and the lower gas prices I am hoping to get the family out graving more on the weekends, but it keeps raining! I have my fingers crossed for this weekend, but the weatherman isn't making me happy.

So the kiddo gets invited to her first slumber party. She is SEVEN. I initially said "no", but we may think about it. At least it is someone we know somewhat well-who was on her softball team the past 2 years. But we have to go out and buy her a sleeping bag now. Ugh.

As to the "myspace" mentioned below-I don't think I will ever go to it again-too much of a hassle to keep up with. Like I said, I have here to blog and my personal website to add photos, etc. I don't need some other place to deal with.

Patch day on Warcraft-may or may not be playing tonight, the way things go with them....not.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

My Space??

Ha ha, why bother? I have this space, and I like it here. I already know my way around here. It's familiar. Comforting, if you will.

I signed up for myspace. Made a profile. But it is too damn confusing on how to change anything on there, and I don't feel like blogging in two places. Hell, I can barely remember to blog here most days. And the only invites I have gotten so far have been from some random country singer(nope, never heard of you, you are not my friend) and two for groups that just sounded nasty. Ya know, I would like to find friends, I just don't want fake ones. I'd rather deal with having no friends, and just continue to talk to myself.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

New tv shows

I haven't talked about this yet-totally slipped my mind. So here goes from what I have watched so far...

Survivor - Not too bad, I like Ozzy and Cao Boi is funny. Hard to say on the first episode as to who I will pull for-I guess I don't hate anyone yet

Amazing Race- Not too worried about who got eliminated first week. Like the Kentucky couple, good ol rednecks-just like me. The druggies, they are ok. I never root for chick teams, and especially since they are cheerleaders and Miss USA-whatevers-gag. Still remains to be seen who will like and hate.

Mythbusters-has already had a few good episodes this season. My mind has gone blank, though-Wednesday I will add more after the next episode.

Have I watched anything else other than football lately? Can't recall. College-yeah Michigan, Texas losing to OSU sucked, Tennessee losing to gagamaggots always sucksorz. NFL-Titans 0-2 ick, Broncos 1-1(barely) geez, Falcons 2-0 yeah.....Colts 2-0GAG, Ravens 2-0GAG, Raiders 0-2LOL.

Oh and one more Rachael Ray, is she cute or what? Maybe a little too bouncy sometimes-kinda gets on my nerves, but I love watching her. =)

Dane Cook

Wanted to mention, I've been watching "Visious Circle" every time I come across it on HBO. Dane Cook is hysterical! I've never seen him anywhere before, but this is a freakin kick-ass show. Funny stuff, dude, very funny stuff!!!

Change in the weather

Thank goodness fall is almost here!!! I hate the heat. We actually went for a drive last weekend and it was really nice!! Speaking of the drive, we went and got five more Tennessee Governors for my website-2 in Mt Olivet in Nashville, 2 in Lewisburg, Marshall County, and one in Giles County. I haven't counted but I have to be at least halfway through visiting them all. Cool. Maybe I will actually accomplish something!!

I've been working on the website like crazy lately. Which is good because it keeps me off of Warcraft. I can't get up the gumption to even log in anymore-I may be cured! Hooray!! And the website needs help-so many photos/pages need to be added, so little time! Speaking of which...

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Sick and tired

I am so f*cking sick and tired of Bush-haters.

<<edited-just leave it at that>>


Yes, thank you Titans. And now its official, my life sucks-or all I like sucks.

Titans looked terrible today. I was told all week they would win because they were playing the worst team in the NFL. Well the worst team in the NFL WAS on the field, but it wasn't the Jets. I dont' care if the Titans "scrapped" or got lucky and tied the game, they still couldn't do squat when it counted and dropped one that the Jets kicker was trying to hand to them on a golden platter. Collins, I used to love ya man, but you are not what the Titans need. I almost got excited when Vince came into the game, but it only lasted one series, and I was severely dissappointed that he never really came back in(one 2pt conversion attempt does not count). The defense could not stop 2nd GRADERS, especially our defensive backs. Pathetic. Fisher is hot, but that is a female speaking-the football fan in me thinks FINALLY it is time for him to f'ckin GO. Same old crap from the team. I am not impressed, I am not excited. I am looking to the Falcons now for my football fix.

As to my other teams, well I can't say yet exactly what happened, as I have only seen numbers. But the Falcons won, beating a Carolina team they couldn't beat last year. And the Broncos lost to f'king St louis. WTF happened there????? Ravens won and that sucks almost worse than ANYTHING. It's only 4:22pm as I write this, but the Cowboys are winning(which SUX) and the Colts(whom I dispise) have yet to play. Week one in the NFL season looking like this makes me want to VOMIT and wonder WHY I am a football fan.

It is however genetic, there really isn't anything I can do about it. I am what I am. And sometimes I hate that. But I cannot change it. But if I did, maybe someone somewhere would like me, then again maybe not. Maybe it really is just me.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

So many things...

To talk about today.

First of all, I am very saddened by the death of Steve Irwin. I wasn't his biggest fan, but his death, like only a few others, has really affected me. Just so hard to believe he is gone. I really loved his ESPN commercials where he tackles the Florida Gator(because, of course, I cannot stand UF). He was really fun to watch. Very passionate about the animals, and I loved that about him.

And to Glenn Beck. I do love to listen to him, but his take on Steve's death has pissed me off royally. Yeah, noone is really surprised he died this way-even STEVE said he would probably die to a wild animal! BUT to say it in such a way to imply his stupidity for what he did really pisses me off. No, Glenn, he didn't want to die this way, not now, but he WAS doing his job and what he loved-and that is educating others about animals. Get off your high horse, Glenn.

More later....