Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nathan Bedford Forrest

We had a bit of time last week where I was able to visit the grave of Nathan Bedford Forrest. It is in a small park in downtown Memphis. This was the only part of downtown we had time to see. We also visited Elmwood Cemetery. There are 2 Tennessee Governors and 14 Confederate Generals buried there. Unfortunately only a few are listed on the map that we paid 5 bucks for. Now I don't have a problem paying 5 bucks for a map, but I was hoping it would mark more of the important people. It only had one TN Governor, and we never found the other. It only marked a few Generals, and we actually noticed Gideon Pillow by chance and he wasn't on the list! I need to do lots more research on that place before we go back. And hope for a sunny day-use up less batteries and the pictures look so much nicer on sunny days.

Need to work on my website now, Warcraft is down for the day. :)

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