Friday, March 04, 2005

Beautiful day for gravehunting

After it looked like it was going to be a cloudy bust day for B having the day off, but after spending an hour in walmart, we came out to blue skies. Found one old graveyard in Lavergne. Many many unmarked graves in this one. So sad. Then onto the Batey Cemetery south of Smyrna. People next door had a TON of dogs and they did not shutup the whole time. Luckily there were only two marked graves at this one(and only four at the first one). Then onto the Clark Cemetery in Murfreesboro, not far from the Stones River battlefield. Only three graves at this one, at the end of a cul-de-sac. At least this one is sort of kept up(grass mowed) by the neighbors. That's cool. I love finding the little cemeteries that look like noone has visited in years. I feel so sorry for them, and feel like I connect somehow. I feel like I am "called" to them now. I know that probably sounds silly, but its true. And I feel like an archaeologist searching for and finding "lost treasure". That is a cool feeling. Anyhoo...good day. Topped off with a Reeses Sonic Blast. Yum. Good day.

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